Wednesday, 10 April 2013

The Intellectual Part of Faith

'This is why faith, or at least the intellectual part faith, scares me a little bit. Because when it comes to theology, I feel like I'm constantly trying to strike this delicate balance. On one side of the balance is "figuring it out" and feeling safe, but being subsequently bored with my faith. While on the other side there are questions and uncertainties that keep me moving and guessing, but also leave me with an underlying worry that challenges to my faith might make me lose it altogether.'

Now, this woman is amazing. I read the article and felt like shouting 'Me!Me!Me too.'
Yes.I can totally understand it when she says that.
All the seemingly 'new' ideas that present a huge challenge to my current 'faith' foundation esp the theology part.
Feels like 'O God, don't tell me everything I once believed in was wrong all the while!'
Please do it slowly. I need to take this one step at a time.

''' I felt God remind me that it was okay for me to be uncertain, to admit I didn't have it all put together, and to occasionally, or often, change my perspective. I didn't have to feel ashamed for wondering, for asking, or for seeing things in a new way. I didn't have to feel afraid.

My ideas might shift about who God is, or how He works, or how Church is "supposed" to be, but He is the same yesterday, today and forever.''

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