Friday, 5 April 2013

If You Ask Me What I Think...

Okay, I just feel a need to pen down, here, whatever that is in my head.
I'm gonna be just truthful, and as honest and straightforward as I can.Although I know that they might feel like I'm criticizing them, if they ever do stumble upon this post.
But of course not, I'm not doing so. I'm just penning down my thoughts, what I think about all the discussions that we had.

I just don't like it.I don't know, it could be my problem.
But I don't like the way they seem to, in my opinion, come up with a whole new lot of things that seems right, backed with evidence from the bible that seems to challenge everything that I believed in.I could be wrong.All the beliefs I held on to,could be wrong.I don't feel good, I don't feel enlightened, like'Ahhh, something has opened up to reveal some kinda truth to me.'
Honestly, it was all confusing to me.
Like I was here and yet there. Both parties seemed right, both parties seems to know what they are talking about.So I don't know where I stand.

But I really don't find a need to distinguish between Calvinism and Arminians.
I don't feel a need to determine who is wrong is who is right.We are all human.Of course, we could read some verse and go like 'Oh, God appears to me and points out the right path.'I mean, okay, if that is so, if you think that it really is God telling you, then go ahead.Believe it.
I think God works in many different ways.Reveals Himself to people in different methods.
God may shed more light in certain characters of Him, like some may experience joy more than other values in their life.Some may experience love, His love, much more than other  things like peace etc etc.I think it's different for people.
People's needs are, I think it doesn't matter as to whether He love us ALL, or love us, SOME, only some.I mean, it's his choice, whether He chose to love those with Maggi Mee hair or those with jet black straight hair.
But we share a common ground, we know that He loved us, we claim ourselves to be 'saved'.But we also agree our job is to spread the good news to the world.(The Great Commission)
Whether He love some people or not, it doesnt matter or affect our job to proclaim that He is God, the Lord of the universe.
So why the need to distinguish if people are reformed or not?
Why the need to distinguish whether you are Calvinist or Arminians?
Why the need to know who is right, or wrong?
We know He loved you and I, and chose us.We wanna love him back.These are fundamental principles.Could never go wrong, so much that we wanna share it to people around us.We wanna spread the love, that could never go wrong, right?
so why the need to go like' Oh you are right in this?She are wrong?'
Unless God expressly says so, say that the answer is A, not B.
Again, I might be wrong in these.I'm just penning down my thoughts.

Then we talked about the role of a woman in a church.Like, the senior pastor post, should belong to a man instead of woman.Yes, equality,but not in this context.
I think it is not our job to judge if a particular person is doing it right or wrong.Because we don't know, we are looking from a third party's point of view. For all you know, God might have gone and personally reveal to that woman that she is to take up the job.That job could be meant for her.
If God feels a man need to be raise to be the head and leader of it, then God could've have done so.He will fill that space.But if God feels that the woman is capable, God wants to use her instead of a man, then who are you to say 'No, God should follow the age old tradition of using a man as the leader.
We don't know, we just don;t know, there are just so many loopholes and grey areas.But God knows, His plan is perfect.It is our job to obey God, when God ask you to lead, you lead, when God says you submit to another person, you submit.If God sees the need, He will fill it.
Our job is just to obey and follow His instructions.
I don't have the right to point fingers and judge.Really, I don't.
Also, I don't think there is a need to classify these as biblical, or unbiblical.
Because we don;t know.It isn't as clear as 'You shall not murder.'
For all I know, those people whom I think is doing it all wrong, could have been right, their hearts could've been right with God, and it is all that matters, right?

But God is gracious.We are human.We all err.
Of course, it is not an excuse to continue doing so,I'm just saying that if God has put in in your heart that certain things must be done certain way, then please do so.This is about you and God.But if not, then stop the arguments about who is right, who is wrong.
Soemtimes, I do think that when I try to get someone to support and believe in what I say, it might be pride.
Who am I?I am not God.My wisdom and knowledge are limited.
So why the need to do so?Why the need to prove that you are right, absolutely right, and the other is wrong?

I think it's okay to have different viewpoints on some issues.As long as you continue to walk closely to God, and desire Him, with all your heart mind and soul, And obey Him, in whatever He asks of you, then it is enough.

Again, I might be wrong.Again, there might be a need to clarify things and stand on one side or the other.
But right now, I just don't find the need to do so.It's not making me feel any better.

So God, if I'm wrong, please correct me.And help to stay humble, always,because I could always be wrong in things like this.

1 comment:

  1. Good point. I personally disagree with both views, as well as the Reformed view against women leadership, for Biblical reasons.
