Wednesday, 12 March 2014

Quiet!Be Still!(Mark 4:39)

God, don't you care if I drown?

I feel an overwhelming sense of confidence that of course!My Jesus cares!
Of course, My Jesus will not allow me to drown.
Of course, My Jesus controls the winds, waves, the storm...

What more should I fear?The exam?the stress?The reading?The memorising?
No,Nothing. Nothing can ever separate me from the loveGod.

So why am I so afraid?Worried?
The fear of not covering enough subject matter is crippling, paralysing my being, affecting my work everyday. So many What-If's.
What id I studied this, but that came out instead?What if I fall sick the entire day before exam again?What if I am not able to memorise the parts that are needed for me to remember?
What if..

See?It's bringing me nowhere.Really?Michele?Really?Is that what you want?
To place my confidence and trust in things on earth?These things that may be gone the very next instant?
To trust the amount of books I've read, or the essays I've written, or the cases that I've memorised?Really?
All these????????

All these will surely fail me.
Something might happen.My memory might fail me.My notes could be wrong.(It has happened!)
Essay writing could never prepare me for the exact question that is to come out in exams.

Yet, above all else, my God will never fail me.NEVER.
HE stands beside me, in the storm.He orders the storm to stop,and be quiet.
He speaks into all kinds of storm that I have in my life right now.
The constant rushing.The constant stress.The pressure.
How sad.My life does not revolve around all these!!!!
My life revolves around Him!The Him of the universe!
And yet, how of little faith I am.
To be reminded again and again and to forget again and again.
My God loves me!He loves me.
Doesnt that explain somehting?that He cares for me?More than Birds or flowers?

Therefore, He will be my shepherd, and I, his lamb.
He will lead me by still waters, stand beside me, alongside me, embrace me, assure me.
Through the storm.
All storms.Any storm in my life.

He shouts out in to the waves, and say, Quiet!Be still!And the storm obeys Him.
Therefore, when He says, Quiet, Be still! Into my busy havoc, rushing, messed up life.'
I will be still, and know that He is God.

Because, In Him.We live.And move.And have our being.Acts 17:28

1 comment:

  1. Hey Michele :D
    I see you have exam stress too, haha. All the best to you too!
